our purpose

Our mission is to embody and voice the prophetic wisdom and word of the Divine Feminine, to uplift the values of compassioncreativity and care for the earth and one another.

At herchurch, we create a sacred space for those who wish to worship at the cutting edge and the leading edge of the  traditional “religious/spiritual” frameworks. We are fortunate to have pagans, non-theists, yogis, spiritual seekers of all sorts as well as Christians, Jews, Muslims, and life-long Lutherans as members of our faith/spiritual community.

Our purple church is home to a diversity of spiritual traditions and perspectives that are woven together to create a strong, stretchy, fabric that offers everyone  ample room to grow.

We strive to be an open and affirming community. All persons are welcome and loved in the love of Christ-Sophia and the Great Mother of us All.  This an exciting time. Even though we have been in God/dess’ service in the City since 1882, we are birthing a new congregation. We are always becoming a community of hospitality, which expresses inclusivity through word/wisdom and worship, deed and ministry programming.

All expressions of gender identity are a blessing!

Our worshiping community is challenging and exciting! We invite you to join us.

It is time to return the cosmos to a more centered and egalitarian community which cares for all people, creatures and elements!


goddess rosary


icons by katie ketchum