goddess rosary

The word “rosary” derives from “rosarium,” or “rose garden,” a contemplative place for meditation associated with the Garden of Eden and Paradise. Another of the many meanings is “wreath of roses,” referring to the string of repeated prayers, as well as the string of beads on which the prayers are recited.

The Goddess rosary is spoken as a community at 6:15 and 6:45pm on the first Thursday of the month. During, and at other times, please feel free to use the prayer stations at candles, singing bowls and bells, incense and tree of life icon, anointing oils, and water.

To begin, sit or stand with the rosary Goddess in your hand, and work your way around the circle of beads.


three small beads - Maiden, Mother, Crone
large beads - Our Mother
medium beads - Hail Goddess
single small bead - Name/Sophia or “ah-she”

Our Mother who is with us, we celebrate your many names.
Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.
Each day you give us all we need.
You remind us of our limits and we let go.
You support us in our power and we act with courage.
You are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us.
Now and forever. Blessed Be.

Patricia Lynn Reilly

Hail Goddess, full of grace.
Blessed are You and blessed are all the fruits of your womb.
You are the Mother of us all.
Hear/Heal us now and in all our deams/needs.
O blessed be, O blessed be. Sophia, Ah-She.

adapted from Carol Christ

bells and Tibetan bowls - the sounds remind you of the voice and soul of the Holy Other calling you

incense - the smell and sight of prayers arising to the Holy One

candles - lit as the light of God/dess in our life and in our world, in memory of others

water - a sign of birth, creation, baptism, renewal and cleansing

oil - used for anointing and prayers of healing

(prayer for anytime during meditation)

Mother, Sophia, Sister Spirit, unfurling Wisdom from stalk to petal, Calla Lily of our Soul. You promise to unwrap your compassion from our inner to outer light. Your beauty and love are all one need desire. Your passion and power are planted in our vulnerability, sparking our oneing in which we find promise and strength to grow into our full humanity, interlaced with sacred story. Bless us for the journey as your spirit wells up in us from the center of the earth, your body, our womb. Maiden, Mother, Crone. Blessed Be.

Pastor Stacy Boorn


Blossom Spring Festival


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