goddess mural: paint us into being

About the Goddess Mural

We know that visual art can bring about liberation and reform. It can also bring healing and peace to our souls. This mural will is, via 32 panels, to the East Side of the Sanctuary. Destined to be a San Francisco landmark, the Goddess Mural is be a visual sign of hope, beauty and the possibility of unfolding justice. It is time for this kind of liberation and reform, healing and beauty to grace our city and world.

The Goddess mural is 64 by 16 feet with four basic symbolic representations of the divine feminine: the Earth Mother, the Black Madonna, the Christ-Sophia, and an androgynous Kali-Kundalini figure whose chakras merge with the phases of the moon and the universe. They will be surrounded by colorful and playful animals, birds, plants and earth’s elements. The mural will be held in place by the purple church

Artist Sybil Erden works in her outdoor studio in Arizona . She brought sets 4 feet by  8 feet panels to San Francisco as they are completed.

All photos are by Documentarian Priestess Alice Heimsoth. The music in the video is by composed by Alison Newvine and Spiral Muse.


ChristSophia Mass


Divine Feminine